Privacy Policy


Hotel & Spa Fontenay
Operator: Holzbock GmbH
Eichwaldstrasse 8 – 12
D-86825 Bad Wörishofen

Phone: +49 (0) 8247 – 3060

Managing Director

Hubertus Holzbock

Registered Office: Bad Wörishofen
HRB: Memmingen 5189
VAT ID: DE 812016032


We have compiled and checked the listed content with great care. However, we do not guarantee completeness or up-to-dateness.

Data Protection

Using this website is generally possible without providing personal information.

If you send us an email, it and your email address will be used exclusively for correspondence with you. Each time our servers are accessed, data is stored for statistical and security purposes. We only collect, for a limited time, the IP address of your Internet Service Provider, date and time, as well as the website you visited on our site. These data are used solely to improve our online services and are not analyzed in a way that could be traced back to you. We reserve the right, in the event of unauthorized access or access attempts to our servers, to use individual data records to derive personal information.

Image Sources

Images include those from Hotel Fontenay as well as “Bad Wörishofen” © Kurdirektion Bad Wörishofen